I find this information important enough to re-post. First posted here November 4th, 2011.
CPS (OCS) Threat to You and Your Children; CAPTA
This horror in the land was unleashed in 1988 when the Federal Government enacted CAPTA, The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act under which the Federal government provides the funding, by means of grants, that support state Child Protective Services (CPS).
Since that enactment, CPS has become a growth industry that seeks more and more children because the size of their grants is determined by the number of children they kidnap ("rescue"). What happens to those children is no concern of the government, the courts, or least of all, CPS. This description is no exaggeration. It is, if anything, an understatement.If This is not Terrorism, What Is?Parents who are not aware of CPS may not be terrified, but any who know what is going on, must be. There is a "1 in 25 chance" for each child you have, of being the subject of a child abuse/neglect investigation by CPS this year, which almost always means, you will lose one or more of your children?and you certainly won't keep them without a fight.
"Many children are taken from fit and loving parents solely based upon false allegations reported anonymously to a hotline, or as a result of a caseworker?s own personal judgment, or even by someone with a vendetta ..."
"The State gains entry into private homes following the filing of a report of suspected child maltreatment. This report may be filed anonymously by anyone: a vindictive neighbor, a teacher, a day care provider, or an unstable busybody. You can lose your children from an anonymous phone call, with NO involvement from law enforcement, and NO charges of any wrong-doing. CPS controls the courtroom and employs the tactic of delay and ?hide the ball? to keep families separated. This can go on for months and even years while children are separated from their families."
If you think this is just the result of a misguided concern for children's welfare you are mistaken. It's all about money. Big money!
At least $200 million is directly budgeted by the federal government to support CAPTA, but the program costs more than $3.3 billion when social services, adoption services, and medicaid are included.
"Service providers, called vendors, hold multi-million dollar contracts with CPS. Families are ordered to engage in "services" with these contracted vendors, all of whom bill Medicaid at enormously inflated rates for "services" that are often inappropriate, unnecessary, and completely irrelevant to the families situation, or to child maltreatment."
"Behind the money is the socialist ideology that children should be raised by the state. This agenda was promoted by Dr. C. Henry Kempe (author of the Battered Child Syndrome) in the 1970's. An open supporter of the Communist party, he stated "We must remove children from the crude influence of their families and, frankly, nationalize them." Dr. Kempe emphasized the need for a "stealthy, incremental approach" to implementing the agenda to make families obsolete."
"Families are coerced into participating by intimidation and the threat of losing their children. In return for fraudulently collected profits, the contracted vendors provide manufactured "evidence" of child maltreatment to support the claim that they need to keep the child in foster care. ..."
How Bad Is It?
"Federal statistics say that there are approximately 3 million reports of suspected child abuse and neglect each year. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services documents 900,000 as 'substantiated', leaving over 2 million families per year FALSELY ACCUSED. Of the 'substantiated' cases, 68% do NOT involve child maltreatment, according to the federal authorities."
According to Emerich Thomas who has devoted the last five years to research in the field of child welfare and foster care, "well over 500,000 of our children in one or another form of state-provided alternative care. An estimated 365,000 of our children are removed from their homes for their "protection" each year in these United States."
Acording to, "author Seth Farber:
'Only a small minority of these children have been separated from parents who are dangerous to them. The overwhelming majority have been separated from loving and responsible parents. One does not need to be a child psychologist to realize the devastating effect of removing a child from parents with whom he or she is deeply bonded.'"
"Conservative columnist Thomas Sowell explains that of those child abuse reports accepted for investigation about half are eventually dismissed, 'but not before children have been strip-searched, interrogated by a stream of social workers, police officers, and prosecutors, psychologically tested, and sometimes placed in foster care. Such actions usually occur without search warrants, parental consent, court hearings, or official charges--and often solely on the basis of the anonymous telephone call.'"
"Mark Soler, of the National Youth Law Center, describes some of his experiences in litigating against the foster care industry:
'We have seen children in an Arizona juvenile detention center tied hand and foot to their beds, and a Washington State facility in which two children were held for 5 days at a time in a cell with only 25 square feet of floor space.
'We have seen children hogtied in State juvenile training schools in Florida--wrists handcuffed, ankles handcuffed, then placed stomach down on the floor, and wrists and ankles joined together behind their backs. In the training school in Oregon children were put in filthy, roach-infested isolation cells for weeks at a time.
'In the Idaho training school, children were punished by being put in strait jackets, and being hung, upside down, by their ankles.'
In Massachusetts, "many of the children taken from parents by DSS [Massachusetts version of CPS] are heavily drugged with adult doses of anti-psychotic drugs, and are restrained in horrifyingly violent ways, when drugs have a bad effect.
"Drugs help DSS effectively in their mission to break children. For example, one sixteen year old boy in DSS custody, Justin (a pseudonym), is being given Depakote, Wellbutrin,and Zyprexa, all very powerful chemicals. Even one of these can cause severe problems, never mind all three. Poor Justin cannot sleep, because they give him these drugs before bed, and they cause dreadful insomnia. Then, tired and irritable, the child can be labeled as far more unmanageable.
"In addition, many of these children are restrained like animals, when the drugs cause behavior problems. Justin, for example, incarcerated at Robert F. Kennedy Center, a residential center in Lancaster, Massachusetts was pinned upside down on the floor by a large man, face down in the rug, with a knee in his back, and so much weight on him that he could not breathe. In his attempt to breathe, Justin moved his head back and forth so desperately, that he got bad rug burns on his face and elbows.
"If a parent did this to a child, DSS would quickly take the child away at gunpoint, and the parent would probably never get the child back. DSS, however, does this sort of thing quite regularly, with no fear of the consequences."
The Child Trafficking Racket
If anyone else except this government protected class of thugs literally kidnapped children and farmed them out to suffer indescribeable abuse they would be called traffickers?because that is what they are.
The following is a long excerpt, but it is the best summation of what is really going on I've seen, and in spite of it's length, it is brief compared to extent of the horror CPS really is.
![]() November 16, 2007 BY: Nancy Schaefer Senator, 50th District My introduction into child protective service cases was due to a grandmother in an adjoiningstate who called me with her tragic story. Her two granddaughters had been taken from herdaughter who lived in my district. Her daughter was told wrongly that if she wanted to seeher children again she should sign a paper and give up her children. Frightened and young,the daughter did. I have since discovered that parents are often threatened into cooperationof permanent separation of their children. The children were taken to another county and placed in foster care. The foster parentswere told wrongly that they could adopt the children. The grandmother then jumped throughevery hoop known to man in order to get her granddaughters. When the case finally came tocourt it was made evident by one of the foster parent?s children that the foster parents had,at any given time, 18 foster children and that the foster mother had an inappropriaterelationship with the caseworker. In the courtroom, the juvenile judge, acted as though she was shocked and said the two girlswould be removed quickly. They were not removed. Finally, after much pressure beingapplied to the Department of Family and Children Services of Georgia (DFCS), the childrenwere driven to South Georgia to meet their grandmother who gladly drove to meet them.After being with their grandmother two or three days, the judge, quite out of the blue, wroteup a new order to send the girls to their father, who previously had no interest in the case andwho lived on the West Coast. The father was in ?adult entertainment?. His girlfriend workedas an ?escort? and his brother, who also worked in the business, had a sexual charge broughtagainst him. Within a couple of days the father was knocking on the grandmother?s door and took thegirls kicking and screaming to California. The father developed an unusual relationship with the former foster parents and soon movedback to the southeast, and the foster parents began driving to the father?s residence andpicking up the little girls for visits. The oldest child had told her mother and grandmotheron two different occasions that the foster father molested her. To this day after five years, this loving, caring blood relative grandmother does not evenhave visitation privileges with the children. The little girls are in my opinion permanentlytraumatized and the young mother of the girls was so traumatized with shock when thegirls were first removed from her that she has not recovered. Throughout this case and through the process of dealing with multiple other mismanagedcases of the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS), I have worked with otherdesperate parents and children across the state because they have no rights and no one withwhom to turn. I have witnessed ruthless behavior from many caseworkers, social workers,investigators, lawyers, judges, therapists, and others such as those who ?pick up? thechildren. I have been stunned by what I have seen and heard from victims all over the stateof Georgia. In this report, I am focusing on the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services(DFCS). However, I believe Child Protective Services nationwide has become corrupt andthat the entire system is broken almost beyond repair. I am convinced parents and familiesshould be warned of the dangers. The Department of Child Protective Services, known as the Department of Family andChildren Service (DFCS) in Georgia and other titles in other states, has become a ?protectedempire? built on taking children and separating families. This is not to say that there are notthose children who do need to be removed from wretched situations and need protection.This report is concerned with the children and parents caught up in ?legal kidnapping,?ineffective policies, and DFCS who do does not remove a child or children when a child isenduring torment and abuse. In one county in my District, I arranged a meeting for thirty-seven families to speak freelyand without fear. These poor parents and grandparents spoke of their painful, heartwrenching encounters with DFCS. Their suffering was overwhelming. They wept andcried. Some did not know where their children were and had not seen them in years. Ihad witnessed the ?Gestapo? at work and I witnessed the deceitful conditions under whichchildren were taken in the middle of the night, out of hospitals, off of school buses, and outof homes. In one county a private drug testing business was operating within the DFCSdepartment that required many, many drug tests from parents and individuals for profit. Inanother county children were not removed when they were enduring the worst possible abuse.Due to being exposed, several employees in a particular DFCS office were fired. However,they have now been rehired either in neighboring counties or in the same county again.According to the calls I am now receiving, the conditions in that county are returning tothe same practices that they had before the light was shown on their deeds.Having worked with probably 300 cases statewide, I am convinced there is no responsibilityand no accountability in the system. I have come to the conclusion: |
If you live in the United States you live in a country where you can never be sure your children are not going to removed from your home, from their school or a bus, to be mistreated and abused, very likely to never be seen by you again. Does the fact that this is done in the guise of "protecting" children fool you into thinking it is anything other than kidnapping and trafficking in children?
If you were not already convinced that America is no longer a free country by the fact that thugs of the DEA can take your property without ever even charging you with a crime, that CPS can take you children on virtually no evidence at all should not only convince you America has become an oppressive police state, but it should terrify you—which, of course is exactly their intent.
*The posts made in this blog are of our opinion only* Without Prejudice UCC 1-207
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